A Day On My Plate with Dennis Hogan

A Day On My Plate with Dennis Hogan

Dennis Hogan | Professional Boxer
(Michael Corry / punditarena.com⁠)

Dennis Hogan is one of our favourite athletes here at Paleo Hero HQ because he's not only a champion at the top of his game, he's an all-round nice guy! Let's dive in to what makes him such a success. Over to you Dennis. 

o Tell us about you and what you do?  

I am a professional boxer with a record of 28 wins, 3 loses and 1 draw. My next fight is against Tim Tszyu on March 31 at the Newcastle Convention Centre. 

Dennis Hogan | Paleo Hero Ambassador

o Do you have a morning ritual or habit? What does that look like? 

My morning ritual is gratitude, I wake up and before getting out of bed I sit up and think about all the people, things and events I’m grateful for in my life and when I’m finished that I see myself achieving my dreams and goals and that sets up perfectly for the day. 

 What’s your daily routine look like when it comes to food and fitness?

My typical training day includes - as I wake up straight away I do gratitude and visualisation. I then go and do strength and conditioning either at Function Well with coach Christopher Muckert or hills sprints or hill runs, after I would have a protein shake and banana. Then I’d have a meal from Wilde Kitchen that’s chicken, wild rice and veg with a green tea.

Dennis Hogan | Paleo Hero Ambassador

In between sessions I would either see my Chiro/Physio/Naturopath/cryo freeze or remedial massage ect. I usually get 30-60 mins relax time to either meditate, read or nap  before my big boxing session. I have a Paleo Hero Primal Slice and some ucan carb powder drink with vital Greens and vitamins.

In training we do about 3 hours which include heavy bag/sparring/padwork/plios/skipping/body conditioning etc. After training I have a protein shake on my drive home.

For dinner I’d have Nourish Meals prepared meal eggs/chicken, sweet potato and veg. Here I would usually have an hour with my family and daughters before they would go to bed. I get emails done and promotion work for ticket selling and all that kind of stuff. 

My last meal I have another Paleo Hero Primal Slice and 2-3 slices of Paleo Hero Bread. I would usually then go for a 30-50 minute walk. When I get home I do the Wimm Hoff breathing method and then meditate for a little while then off to bed. Gratitude and visualisation before I nod off. My days get scattered a bit but that’s a typical enough day. 

FB: @dennishurricanehogan
Insta: @dennishoganboxing

You can find out more about Tim Tszyu vs. Dennis Hogan and purchase tickets HERE.

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