Health & Wellness

How (and IF) you should incorporate HIIT Training

How (and IF) you should incorporate HIIT Training

What is HIIT? Should you be doing it? And, if so, how do you integrate it into your training to get the most bang for your buck whilst preventing burn out, fatigue and injury?...

How (and IF) you should incorporate HIIT Training

What is HIIT? Should you be doing it? And, if so, how do you integrate it into your training to get the most bang for your buck whilst preventing burn out, fatigue and injury?...

Top Tips to Sleep Better | Paleo Hero

6 Top Tips To Sleep Better

Feeling restless at night? Still feeling tired when you wake up? We share our top tips on how to make sure you are getting the best quality sleep and making the most of your...

6 Top Tips To Sleep Better

Feeling restless at night? Still feeling tired when you wake up? We share our top tips on how to make sure you are getting the best quality sleep and making the most of your...

A Day on a Plate with Crossfit Athlete Kara Saunders

A Day on a Plate with Crossfit Athlete Kara Sau...

Find out howprofessional CrossFit athlete and new mum, Kara Saunders spends her day.

A Day on a Plate with Crossfit Athlete Kara Sau...

Find out howprofessional CrossFit athlete and new mum, Kara Saunders spends her day.

Happy & Healthy Hormones

Happy & Healthy Hormones

We speak to Nutritionist Carissa Anne about checking your hormones in check.

Happy & Healthy Hormones

We speak to Nutritionist Carissa Anne about checking your hormones in check.

Training with your Cycle | Paleo Hero

Training with your Cycle

Nutritionist and Clinical and Sports Dietitian, Claudia Cramer, breaks downs the do's and don'ts of Training with your Cycle. She discusses the biological hormonal changes throughout the month and how...

Training with your Cycle

Nutritionist and Clinical and Sports Dietitian, Claudia Cramer, breaks downs the do's and don'ts of Training with your Cycle. She discusses the biological hormonal changes throughout the month and how...

Sleep to Shred

Sleep to Shred

Sleep. Why do we need it? What happens when we sleep? Maybe more importantly, what happens when we DON'T sleep? These tips (and heaps of research, if you're into that) can...

Sleep to Shred

Sleep. Why do we need it? What happens when we sleep? Maybe more importantly, what happens when we DON'T sleep? These tips (and heaps of research, if you're into that) can...

Interview with Anthony from Awakened Lifestyles

Interview with Anthony from Awakened Lifestyles

On the Couch with MFR interviews Awakened Lifestyles founder, Anthony Noud. He is a motivational speaker, inner work coach, dad and ex-heroin addict. Today Shan chats to Anthony about beating addiction...

Interview with Anthony from Awakened Lifestyles

On the Couch with MFR interviews Awakened Lifestyles founder, Anthony Noud. He is a motivational speaker, inner work coach, dad and ex-heroin addict. Today Shan chats to Anthony about beating addiction...

Interview with Dr Libby of The Women's Psychology Clinic

Interview with Dr Libby of The Women's Psycholo...

On the couch with My Food Religion's Shan Cooper and Dr Libby Quinn, founder of The Women's Psychology Clinic, chat all things mental health & wellness.

Interview with Dr Libby of The Women's Psycholo...

On the couch with My Food Religion's Shan Cooper and Dr Libby Quinn, founder of The Women's Psychology Clinic, chat all things mental health & wellness.

Interview with Chris from The Health and Fitness Guy

Interview with Chris from The Health and Fitnes...

Chris from The Health and Fitness Guy is one of our favourite humans here at Paleo Hero HQ. He's a stay-at-home-dad to 3 kids, performance coach to elite athletes and sporting teams,...

Interview with Chris from The Health and Fitnes...

Chris from The Health and Fitness Guy is one of our favourite humans here at Paleo Hero HQ. He's a stay-at-home-dad to 3 kids, performance coach to elite athletes and sporting teams,...